About Sublime Magazine

Founded by Damian and Laura Santamaria in 2004, Sublime is the first international sustainable lifestyle magazine. Our mission is to unify, empower, and amplify the voices that are creating the just society we want for us and our future generations.

We run initiatives such as the Good Brand Awards, to reward organisations that don’t do ‘business as usual’, recognising their efforts to build a new economic model based on social and environmental respect.  We tackle subjects like ethical fashion, eco-travel, climate change, sustainable business, and post-consumerism.

Our Manifesto

Now that the future happened yesterday
Now that we are not what we can buy
Now that we don’t want to get anywhere any faster
Now that we want to make poverty history
Now that people are the most important thing for people
Now that we know that the greatest risk is not to risk
Now that we don’t need to be asleep to dream
Now it’s time to start again.