Issue 20 - Get Real

Issue 20 - Get Real

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GET REAL - Here and now

Today we are coming to the realisation that, under-represented as they are, the traditional paternal leader figure in our societies is a threatened species. Added to that we have the cynicism of the media, that confuses us more than it guides and informs us.
What to do when our leaders fail us? Instead of getting bitter, let’s rise to the challenge and be better!
Societies are no more than a group of people trying to achieve a common goal. Leaders are necessary and important, but they are simply a figurehead that embodies our common interests and drives us forward. If they no longer represent us, perhaps that’s as much our own fault for not letting them know what we think, or how we feel.
It’s time to hear the wake-up call and start engaging. The easiest way to begin is by taking action, changing those things that are within our reach. Let’s not underestimate the power of small actions – here is the secret that underpins the success of a healthy society, a flow of influence that starts with personal change, touching our immediate community, then our society and ultimately, the world.
As the next chapter in history unfolds, there is quite some 
world-changing to do, and we want to participate. We want to be right there, counted among those who are helping turn the tide. As American anthropologist Margaret Mead put it: ‘A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.’

Laura and Damian Santamaria
Editorial Directors